Great or Small
The other day I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone. We’ve been friends for decades and have managed to keep in touch. Every few weeks or so we catch up over the phone. We never…
Sharing God's Gifts and all things sweet and savory
The other day I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone. We’ve been friends for decades and have managed to keep in touch. Every few weeks or so we catch up over the phone. We never…
One day I was making some dough with my two boys. They loved poking holes in the rolled dough before it was to be baked. They both had forks and were stabbing the rolled dough at furious speeds. Those…
Words, definitions, and connotations can be tricky things. Clear communication is difficult! A certain word may have a particular meaning to me and a different meaning to you. Many times this is due to our experience of the…