About the Blog

What is The Cookie Exchange?

The Cookie Exchange is a weekly devotional blog.  A devotional is published every other Monday.  Each devotional ends with four to six scripture passages.  Readers are encouraged to read one passage a day throughout the week and think on it throughout the day, allowing it to seep into the spirit.  The devotionals are kept short for a variety of reasons:
– Allows readers to supplement current devotional material.
– Provides devotional material for those times of life that are crazy.
– Offers an introduction to those new to spending time in daily devotions.

Why is it called The Cookie Exchange?

The name is based on an experience I wrote about in my first blog post Making Cookies.  It was a realization that God wants to do things together with us, like making cookies with children.  It’s not fast, it’s not tidy, but it’s about learning and experiencing life together.  Exchange is important because each of us has a different set of tools and ingredients; different insights and spiritual gifts.  It’s important that we share those with each other so that we gain a more complete picture of God and the body of Christ.  Therefore, I encourage and strongly desire that readers comment on the posts.  Interaction and discussion enhances the post.

What is the point of The Cookie Exchange?

My desire is to provide a new perspective and challenge each believer to look deeper.  Think beyond.  Did you know that we have depth perception because we have two eyes?  Our eyes work together to give us a more complete picture with depth.  It is important to have different perspectives in our spiritual lives as well.  This adds depth to our faith.

Satan is sly and knows how to twist the truth.  If we know the truth of God’s Word, we will not be easily deceived.  Too many times we buy into the accuser’s subtleties.  This will cripple us.  My goal is to combat his lies with the TRUTH and get people in the Word of God.  I don’t want to be satisfied by the status quo.  Join me in this quest to challenge ourselves and grow.  Christ desires us to grow as a body, to be in community.  I write to share my gift with the body, to encourage and challenge the body of believers.  I hope you’ll join me in being passionate about our gifts, using them in community, and sharing our experiences.