The Relentless Nudge


Have you ever experienced “the relentless nudge”?  It is a nagging feeling or thought that you should do a certain something.  It’s usually something that doesn’t make sense or something that is out of your comfort zone.  The relentless nudge doesn’t give up easy, no matter how you try to reason yourself out of it.  It can pop up strong over a short period of time or more gently over a longer period of time.

The relentless nudge has a name: the Holy Spirit.  It’s much easier to think of it as the relentless nudge.  I can justify ignoring a nudge, not so much the Spirit.  However, I have managed to ignore or rationalize my way out of it at times.  Afterwards, I feel disheartened and dejected.  I got my way, but there’s a nagging feeling that I missed out on something great.  I ultimately lost.

Several years ago, I experienced the relentless nudge in a unique way.  The nudge was urging me to call someone and ask her if she’d like to meet for lunch.  I had actually experienced this same exact nudge a few weeks before that, but had managed to talk myself out of it.  This time I tried all the same excuses.  “It’s rather late for lunch.”  “She’s probably already eaten.”  “Why would she want to eat lunch with me?”  “She’s at work.”  However, the nudge would not relent.  I felt this was something I needed to work up the courage to do.

Finally, I picked up my phone and gave her a call.  She had already eaten and was out for a walk.  I wanted to tell God, “See!  I was right.  There was no use in calling.”  However, she went on to say that she would meet me at a restaurant near where she was walking so we could talk.  She wanted to talk.

I got my food and we sat down at a table.  She told me that on her walk, she asked God for someone to talk to.  There was much going on in her family’s life.  It was overwhelming.  She cried out for someone safe in whom she could share her burden.  Then, I called.  At our quiet corner of the restaurant, she poured out her heart to me, the difficult circumstances, the heartache, the questions.  I listened.  She didn’t need answers from me.  She didn’t even need my input.  She needed an ear, a shoulder, someone to let her know she was not alone.

As I left our lunch meeting, I was overwhelmed by a sense of humility and honor.  I felt so honored that God would call upon and entrust me in that moment of need.  It was an amazing moment.  The experience reinforced in my soul that great things happen when we yield to the relentless nudge.  If we manage to ignore it, we lose out on something wonderful.

Sometimes the nudge comes for one specific purpose, and if we ignore it, the opportunity passes.  I have a few times that I deeply regret my inaction.  I can’t turn back the clock and see what God would have done.  Other times, I honestly believe that the Holy Spirit nudges us in such a way to prepare us for when the time is right.  Remember how my nudge to meet for lunch was not the first?  I experienced nudges to start writing a blog a couple of years before circumstances changed to the point that I was able to write regularly.  My husband, Kevin, felt God was calling him to deliver the message, “God loves you,” to a man whose infant had died.  Kevin experienced the relentless nudge for weeks.  Finally, he approached the man and gave him the message.  The man wept.  Kevin confessed that he had withheld the message for weeks.  The man replied, “You know, if you would have told me any earlier, I would not have listened.”

How can you tell if it’s the Holy Spirit?  The nudge is usually out of your comfort zone and odd in some aspect.  Also, the Holy Spirit nudges us in ways that demonstrate to others that they are not alone.  He wants us to know that He is with us and that there are others to stand with us as well.  The relentless nudge can prompt us to approach those we know, those we haven’t heard from in years, and total strangers.  Please, don’t ignore or reason away the nudge.  You will be amazed how God uses you in the lives of others.  God wants to involve you in His work.  His desire is to radiate His love through you.

Scripture to consider this week:
Acts 9:1-19
Hebrews 11:1-12
Hebrews 3:1-15
Romans 8:5-14
Romans 12:1-16

Originally posted April 29, 2019.