Truth Strengthens

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When in difficult times, lies seem to pop up like dandelions.  It’s like Satan knows we’re down and he launches a few well-placed blows to polish us off.  His desire is to destroy us, or at least steal or cripple in whatever way he can.  Some of his favorite methods of destruction are to play off emotions or to twist the truth just enough to cause doubt and separation.

Last month I shared that I have been in a prolonged season of pain.  I have felt the jabs of the enemy.  He can be quite cunning and convincing.  If his lies find a soft spot, he digs in and lets his poison permeate his position.  The most effective way to fight Satan’s lies is to voice the truth.  You don’t even need to elaborate on it or provide background!  Just state the truth and his foothold is destroyed.

We see Jesus use this strategy during his temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13).  Three times Satan temped Him and three times Jesus countered with the truth of scriptures.  Each time, there was no argument or discussion.  The devil knew he was defeated and moved on.

Satan tried to kick Jesus while He was down, hungry, and alone.  How much more so will he try to attack us?

Here are two examples of how the devil has been trying to attack me recently.  My pain has been in my head – continual headaches and brain fog*.  This has kept me from studying, reading, writing, and just about everything I enjoy.  Much of my ministry to others has to do with sharing what I’ve learned about God.  Therefore, it’s been very disorienting to be in a condition where I can’t think or remember.  Satan has played off those emotions trying to tell me, “God is done with you.  You are no longer useful.”  These statements appeared to fit the circumstances, but praise God, He has never been bound by circumstances!  Eventually I was able to counter with Philippians 1:6, “being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  God is never done with us.  Circumstances and opportunities may change, but He is always working in us to bring about something good.

During seasons of pain, it is easy to struggle with feelings of isolation.  The devil tried to convince me that God was distant and unhearing.  During these times I clung to Psalm 139.  It relays how God knows us completely and lovingly.  We can try to run away from God, but no matter where we run, He is there.  So how much more so will He be there for us when we’re not running, but searching and crying out for Him!

How do we obtain the truth so we may combat the devil’s attacks?  First of all, get into the Word!  Recently I have not been able to read, so I have used a Bible app and listened to the Psalms.  (I have particularly enjoyed the dramatized NIV recording on Bible Gateway.)  Second, be in community with truth-speaking fellow believers.  They can speak to what they see in you and what God is doing in your life.  It is so helpful to have the perspective of a trusted believer.  Third, look back at the ways God has proved Himself faithful in your life.  He uses experiences to build our faith and trust.  Truth isn’t just head-knowledge, it is experienced and proven.

Photo by Nik Shuliahin

This week, instead of having a list of scripture references to consider throughout week, I’d like to hear scriptures that you have leaned in on during difficult times.  Please share a treasured reference and why it was meaningful to you.  So many of us need encouragement.  Strengthen your soul with the truth!

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*Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me!  I do have a diagnosis and have begun treatment.  Recovery will be a process.  I would appreciate your continued prayers, especially for patience with myself!