Overwhelmed to Paralysis


Photo by Jukan Tateisi

Life and decision making can be overwhelming. It can overwhelm to the point of paralysis. A tsunami of information, emotions, or tasks can be debilitating. This week I’ve experienced this paralysis and spent time with two friends who were also in various stages of their own tsunamis.

Exhausted by my situation, I decided to take a break and clear my head. I sat down and pulled out a book of puzzles. I love puzzles. This particular book was filled with nonograms, a logic puzzle that is a grid of cells. Completing the puzzle involves figuring out which cells should be shaded and which remain empty. The grid is gradually transformed into a completed picture. As I was working on the puzzle, shading in cell by cell, I was praying about my overwhelming situation and my feeling of helplessness. It was during this time that I felt God impress upon my heart, “You are trying to figure out the whole picture all at once. That’s not the way it works. You just need to shade the next cell, which will reveal which cells are to be shaded next.” The thing is, God wasn’t talking about the puzzle. He was referring to my life.

God was reminding me that I didn’t need to figure it all out. That’s not my job. He has it all figured out. He has the plan. My part is to step into that plan and simply put one foot in front of the other. Psalm 119:105 (ESV) points out that, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” God’s way is not to illuminate the entire path completely to the destination. He sheds light on the next step. It’s a picture of continual teamwork. God shines light on the path in front of us and we take the next step.

One day this week my family stopped at a restaurant to grab a bite to eat after a busy day filled with many activities. A few moments after we arrived, a friend of ours walked into the restaurant. We invited him to join us. As we talked, he revealed that he had a big decision to make. He had been praying about it and planned on using his meal time to seek further guidance. As he shared more about his situation, I noticed something about my husband, Kevin. I could almost see what he was thinking. While Kevin was listening to our friend’s desires and complications, God was bringing to his mind related needs and opportunities in the area. Kevin was connecting the dots. I sat there, looking between our friend and my husband thinking, “God you are amazing! You had this planned all along, didn’t You!” Our friend left with a sense of peace, that he was not cornered but knew his next step and that he had options as he moved forward.

To some, this would appear to be a chance meeting. I know, however, that it was an orchestrated, divine appointment. Our God is the best dot connector! He makes ideal arrangements. That’s not necessarily our job. That’s His. All we need to do is keep walking where His lamp is shining. Simply take the next step and make ourselves available.

Just thinking about walking into the dark makes me stop. The dark is unknown and dangerous. The Lord walks us through the unknown and the dangerous by the safety of His light. Bit by bit, His light illuminates the unknown so that it is known. It reveals dangers so we can step confidently.

Life is overwhelming at times, but don’t let it paralyze you. Keep praying. Keep searching for the light of God’s guidance. The Bible refers to our lives as our path or walk. Life is walking; just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Take the next step.

Scriptures to walk in this week:
John 8:12
3 John 1:1-8
Isaiah 30:15-21
Psalm 89:5-15

Psalm 138

Originally posted January 20, 2020.