He Came to Destroy


There are times when I don’t want to hear any more about the coronavirus. I get overloaded, but it’s all anyone talks about. It has pervaded every aspect of our lives. This pandemic has the devil’s fingerprints all over it; fear, isolation, death, lies, and destruction, to name just a few. Our enemy has been busy at work destroying health and livelihoods. The scale of his destruction can be overwhelming. But this I know:

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 1 John 3:8b

We don’t typically think of Jesus as a destroyer. After all, He is not out to destroy us. We need not be afraid. Instead we can relish the thought that Jesus’ purpose and focus is to destroy the work of our greatest enemy. He is for us and is working actively against our accuser and tormentor.

Photo by Max Kleinen

Life is a spiritual battle. Often, the spiritual aspects go unrecognized. We need to be aware and recognize the telltale signs of the enemy. We are not to sit idly on the sidelines, but are called to join Christ in His work. Yes, that even includes destroying the work of the enemy. We are called to share peace where there is fear, show love and compassion to the isolated, shine the Light of Life among the lost and dying, proclaim the truth amidst the lies, and build up from the rubble of destruction. This is our purpose. This is our aim.

The first place to start in this spiritual battle is in your own heart and mind. For example, are you feeling fear or confused by lies? Ask God to infuse you with His peace and pour truth into your life by reading His Word. Breathe in His grace and take one step at a time. Wars are won one battle at a time. Conquest isn’t immediate. Let God teach you through the process. As you fight back on your own personal home front, pay attention to your emotions. God made people emotional beings for a reason. Each emotion has a message to tell. Don’t push them aside, but observe your emotions and have a conversation with God about what you notice.

The next (and often simultaneous) battlefront is ministering to others. Every believer is a minister. You have a ministry. At the moment, our interactions and routines have been restricted. Therefore, the manner in which you used to minister to others may not be possible at the moment. God always uses us where we are. Consider your interactions now and adjust your ministry thinking accordingly. Our God is also a God who reaches out, so consider how you can reach out during quarantine.

Personally, my ministry has shifted significantly towards my family. My boys have been adjusting to distance learning instead of attending school each day. My husband has been dealing with a different work environment. All of our day-to-day lives have changed substantially. These changes cause stress and struggles, but they also create opportunities. Even the struggles are opportunities. The work I do to support them is a ministry. I am ministering to their needs and helping to create an atmosphere of peace, truth, and love in the middle of the storm.

Take heart, dear fellow child of God, and don’t let circumstances overwhelm you. Be alert and keep up the good fight. We have experienced an unbelievable amount of change over the past several weeks, yet God was not surprised or caught off-guard. He has had a plan since before creation and continues to work it to completion. That plan includes the destruction of the devil’s work. Hallelujah!

Scriptures to keep in mind throughout this week:
Colossians 2:6-15
2 Kings 6:13-23
Ephesians 6:10-18
1 Peter 5:1-11
John 2:13-25
Luke 11:14-22