The Eagerly Anticipated


Recently I ordered a writing desk.  I spent hours combing the internet for that special desk that would work best in my space.  We don’t have an extra room for an office or guest room, so the corner of the living room behind the recliner is now my little writing and study space.  I made many measurements to determine my allowable area.  My husband specifically requested a roll-top type desk so that all my study material could be quickly and neatly tucked out of sight.  I was so happy when I showed him my favorite option and he agreed.  I couldn’t seem to order it fast enough!

In the days it took to ship, I carefully prepared the area.  Several items had to move.  I ended up rearranging furniture in multiple rooms, cleaned more than I had anticipated, and measured again to make sure everything was in its proper place.  I was so excited about the arrival of the desk I didn’t mind all the cleaning and measuring and moving.  And believe me, I avoid cleaning.  I really wanted to get everything ready so that the desk would have a place as soon as it came.

Have you experienced this kind of excitement and anticipation?  Perhaps it was due to a piece of furniture, special visitors, or even the arrival of a baby.  We are thrilled by the anticipation of what is coming and work with enthusiasm to prepare a place, fully ready and equipped.

As I cleaned and measured and moved, one thought kept repeating over and over in my mind: “I am preparing a place for you.”  At first I thought this was somewhat humorous as Jesus said basically the same thing in John 14.  The big surprise didn’t come until I had the space completely ready.  I took a step back and examined my work: the clean tiny empty corner.  I imagined talking to my desk (yes, I do things like that, talk to inanimate objects; even inanimate objects that aren’t there).  I envisioned carefully moving it into place while lovingly saying, “You belong here.”

That’s when my mind was blown.

I was used to the phrase “I am preparing a place for you.”  It was fun to imagine Jesus preparing a place especially for me, somewhat like what I was doing in preparing a place for my long-awaited desk.  I even considered how excited I was for the desk to arrive and realized Jesus is even more excited for the moment when we’re together. 

What really blew my mind was the thought, “You belong here.”  Will it be like that?  I could picture it so clearly:  entering the other side, being greeted by Christ and swept up in a big warm embrace.  He’s been waiting for me!  He looks down at me and says, “You belong here.”  Oh, to hear such affirmation and acceptance!

Hear His voice and picture that moment in your mind.  You are highly valued and your arrival is eagerly anticipated.

Believe it.

Live like it.

We serve an active God.  All His activity is in pursuit of you.  Jesus is at work preparing a place for you and for me.  He’s working on it meticulously, preparing a special place to delight His beloved.  The Holy Spirit is working here in our lives today.  God goes before us and prepares the way.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10 NASB

You are precious to Him.  He is so excited about finally being together.  It’s what we were created for.  All His work has been to that aim.  Togetherness.  That is where we belong.

Soak in the truth of these verses this week:
John 14:1-4
John 17:20-26 (*24)
2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Revelation 19:5-9
Revelation 21:1-5

* Yes, I did straighten the side table before I took a picture. There’s a reason my hubby wanted a desk that could close! 😉

Originally posted January 7, 2019